Top Five Business Considerations for NIS2 Compliance

United Kingdom, Jul 1, 2024

With the forthcoming enforcement of the NIS2 directive on October 18, 2024, businesses across the EU must prepare for a new era in cybersecurity compliance. NIS2, the successor to the original Network and Information Systems (NIS) Directive, introduces more stringent requirements, a broader industry scope, and increased penalties for non-compliance. Here, we explore the top five business considerations to help you navigate this critical regulatory shift and ensure your organisation is ready.

  1. Understanding the Expanded Scope

One of the most significant changes in NIS2 is its expanded scope. Unlike its predecessor, which focused primarily on essential service operators and specific digital service providers, NIS2 includes a wider range of sectors. New additions include telecommunications, public administration, and the food supply chain, among others.

Consideration: Identify if your business falls under the expanded scope of NIS2. Conduct a thorough review of the directive's sector definitions to determine your compliance obligations. If your industry is now included, you will need to align your cybersecurity strategies with NIS2 requirements.


  1. Implementing Risk Management Strategies

NIS2 emphasises a risk management approach, requiring organisations to conduct regular risk assessments and tailor their security measures accordingly. This shift from a prescriptive to a more dynamic framework ensures that cybersecurity practices can adapt to evolving threats.

Consideration: Develop and maintain a robust risk management strategy. This should include continuous risk assessments, threat modelling, and the implementation of security measures that address identified risks. Ensure that your risk management practices are dynamic and responsive to new and emerging threats.


  1. Enhancing Incident Reporting Mechanisms

Under NIS2, incident reporting requirements are more stringent. Organisations must notify relevant authorities within 24 hours of becoming aware of an incident, a significant reduction from the previous 72-hour window. Rapid incident reporting is crucial for mitigating the impact of cyber threats.

Consideration: Strengthen your incident detection and response capabilities. Implement advanced monitoring tools, establish clear incident response protocols, and train your staff to recognise and report incidents promptly. Ensure that your reporting mechanisms can meet the 24-hour notification requirement.


  1. Preparing for Increased Penalties

NIS2 introduces substantially higher penalties for non-compliance, with fines reaching up to €10 million or 2% of the global annual turnover, whichever is higher. These penalties reflect the EU's commitment to enforcing cybersecurity standards rigorously.

Consideration: Evaluate your current compliance status and identify any gaps that could lead to non-compliance. Investing in compliance now can prevent costly penalties later. Consider engaging with cybersecurity experts to conduct a readiness assessment and develop a remediation plan.


  1. Fostering a Culture of Cybersecurity Awareness

Effective cybersecurity is not just about technology; it also involves people. NIS2 requires organisations to foster a culture of cybersecurity awareness and ensure that all employees understand their roles in maintaining security.

Consideration: Implement comprehensive cybersecurity training programs for your staff. Regularly update training materials to reflect the latest threats and best practices. Encourage a security-first mindset throughout the organisation, ensuring that every employee is aware of their responsibilities in protecting the company's digital assets.


What's Next

The introduction of NIS2 marks a pivotal moment in the EU's approach to cybersecurity. By considering the expanded scope, implementing robust risk management strategies, enhancing incident reporting mechanisms, preparing for increased penalties, and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, businesses can navigate the challenges of NIS2 compliance effectively.

As the enforcement date approaches, proactive preparation is key. By addressing these top five considerations, your organisation can not only ensure compliance with NIS2 but also strengthen its overall cybersecurity posture.

Need assistance with NIS2 compliance? Contact our team of experts today to schedule a NIS2 readiness assessment and take the first step towards comprehensive cybersecurity compliance.


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