How hybrid flash data storage can support your journey towards a green data centre

United Kingdom, Apr 22, 2024

If you’re a business with an eye on the future, it’s likely that you are stuck between two seemingly conflicting goals. On the one hand there is a need to modernise and grow, and on the other, a responsibility to become more environmentally sustainable. Digital transformation - a trend that will only accelerate as we modernise for tomorrow - means that data centres are consuming more energy than ever before. Does the technology exist to create a green data centre, or at least one that can minimise the carbon footprint of data storage? Here, we’ll explore how hybrid flash data storage can help make data centres more sustainable.




What would a green data centre look like?

The servers and cooling systems in modern data centres - in operation for 24 hours a day - consume a significant amount of energy, while often relying on non-renewable resources for power. So the very idea of a green data centre may seem like an oxymoron to many. And it’s true that even by adopting technologies like hybrid flash data storage to reduce the amount of energy required, it’s unlikely that data centres will ever be truly environmentally friendly. But there is still plenty that can be done in order to improve their sustainability and reduce the environmental impact of storing the huge volumes of data that are required in the modern world.

For example, cooling systems consume up to 40% of the energy used by data centres, so it makes sense that innovative new cooling technologies would have lots of potential to improve energy efficiency. Meanwhile, the type of fuel used to power all the energy consumed also makes a difference. While some data centres are already adopting solar panels and other renewable energy sources, there remains plenty of room for improvement.

But perhaps the biggest way to cut carbon emissions and create a green data centre of the future is to reduce the amount of data that needs to be stored. 


The scale of the problem

We live in a world that relies on data. Global internet traffic surpassed 100 billion gigabytes in 2022, and high-resolution video streaming, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things are all contributing to an exponential rise in data centre activity. 

As our reliance on data-intensive activities continues to grow, finding sustainable solutions for managing and storing this ever-growing data volume will be crucial.


Hybrid cloud data storage and its role in sustainable data centres

One potential path towards greener data centres and green cloud computing is hybrid cloud data storage. It combines the strengths of on-premise storage and the benefits of cloud storage, while mitigating the environmental impact of each. 

You can decide where everything is stored. Frequently accessed data can be kept on-premises for faster retrieval,  while it often makes sense for less frequently used or archived data to be stored in the cloud. This reduces the need for long-distance data transfers, which can be energy-intensive.


Adopting flash data storage to reduce your carbon footprint

Compared to traditional hard disk drives, flash memory chips require significantly less power to operate, helping you to achieve a smaller carbon footprint for your data centre. They also fit more data into a smaller space, so you don’t need the same high volume of data storage that you would with other methods.


A greener solution for your business: hybrid flash data storage from NetApp

If you want to run a green data centre, you’ll need an efficient data storage solution to help you. NetApp hybrid flash data storage offers the benefits of both hybrid cloud data storage and flash technology, shrinking your footprint by up to 95%, while reducing power and cooling demands by 85%.

Hand in hand with this, Logicalis can help you to assess and reduce your energy requirements, with a strategic approach to data storage. 




To find out reducing your carbon footprint with Logicalis and NetApp, download our eBook: Modernise for tomorrow with a sustainable data storage upgrade

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