Getting your house in order: how an IT infrastructure review can inform your data storage decisions

United Kingdom, May 6, 2024

It’s not what you’ve got; it’s what you do with it that counts. The average UK business spends upwards of £200,000 per year on data storage and management, but much of the data stored is likely to be junk. When you think that every file you store is backed up and copied up to 4 times on your servers - whether you need it or not - it’s easy to see how the volume of unnecessary data stored could easily add up.


Data storage costs vital resources, so understanding the value of the data you are storing within your IT infrastructure is crucial.  A professional data assessment or IT infrastructure review will empower you to understand:

  1. What you have
  2. What you need
  3. How to move forward making strategic, informed decisions to modernise for the future.


What is it costing you to keep your data?

Storing business data that you’re not really using  is a bit like putting things in the attic out of the way. It’s an easy way to forget about the problem, and you don’t have to make any difficult decisions about what to keep and what to lose. Sometimes you’re genuinely not sure if you’ll need something again, so it feels better to keep it safe, just in case. 

But just like your loft space, data centres are expensive real estate, and filling them with unwanted items does have an impact, even if this might fly under the radar. If you’re paying for storage you don’t need, this could be a significant cost to your business, as well as contributing heavily to your carbon footprint. Studies suggest that on average, between 30 and 60% of data stored by businesses is not needed; and when you translate that into the hundreds of thousands of pounds spent on data storage each year, it’s very possible that your business could be wasting tens of thousands of pounds on bad storage decisions. (Our free downloadable eBook on sustainable data storage investigates this in depth).


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Could an IT infrastructure assessment help?

Undertaking an IT infrastructure review is a way to get your house in order. Not only will it identify what you’ve got right now, it will also inform the way you move forward. And the experts conducting your review will show you it doesn’t have to be a binary, keep it or lose it situation. To revisit our attic analogy, there are some things that you need in your house because you use them all the time; others that you’ll need from time to time, that should be stored up in the loft, and others you can get rid of altogether. 

An IT infrastructure review will help you sort your data into each of these three categories. The experts at Logicalis can show you, not only what you have on your hands, but also what you can do with it (and how to ensure that you have the infrastructure to support your data storage strategy). Modern data storage solutions like hybrid flash technology mean that you can put everything away in the most efficient place for your needs: essential everyday files, for example, could be kept on your on-premise servers, while things you need to keep for occasional reference could be stored in the cloud. Finally, there will be files that we can recommend deleting (although you will need to work out within your organisation who makes the final decision on this). 


Book a data or infrastructure review with Logicalis

At Logicalis, we are architects of change. With over 20 years’ experience in data centres and infrastructure, we have the expertise to help you make the right decisions for your data. Minimise your footprint while maximising efficiency, with an IT infrastructure review from Logicalis.

Contact us to take the first step


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